Monday, November 12, 2012

Ah, Here We Go

I really want to believe that the idea of 'ideal' is possible to achieve. Apart from the fact that it is always a subjective matter, I have never (as much as I could remember) labeled anything as 'ideal'. Not those girls whose figures I adored, not the couples I called as my favorites, not any of those guys I glanced repeatedly at, not any of them, no.

I'm still sitting on my desk at the office right now, listening to some mellow tunes I'm not really proud to name here. I could actually take off from here anytime soon but I haven't felt like it. Well, maybe in the next 5 minutes I will.

Oh, I just remembered that I'm running out of shampoo. I'm using the replacement one which turned out to be not so ideal for my hair type. Whatever. Better get going soon.

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