Friday, August 31, 2012

Inspired Self

You never knew when you would be inspired by who. As for me, I'm actually a little hard to be inspired by people, because I'm much easier to get annoyed by little details (and human beings are full of annoying little details, yeah?). So the people I'm about to put on this little list here, are truthfully, amazing:

  1. My ECD (who I won't mention the name), who had inspired me since the first moment we met (around a month ago) and never failed to repeatedly keep doing so. He was like, so good at producing brilliant ideas. The most inspiring thing about him that's gotten revealed this week (among many others) was: he collects paintings.
  2. Mr. Eugene Panji, a director who I met through an office's project. He's undoubtedly an experienced and well-known director so of course he's good at everything related to that field. But the most inspiring quote I recorded at the offline editing session wasn't related to his work in any ways. It was this: "Kecerdasan gue adalah gue bisa bikin orang bilang gue cerdas." Or something like that. (I'm not really sure how to say that in English. But maybe it was something like.. "My smartness lies only in my ability to make other people think that I am.")
  3. Adhityani Putri. This one I did not actually meet in person but rather (of course) through her blog. Her determined and rather obsessive attitude towards one subject that's currently dominating my mind nowadays is mind-blowing. And the subject is? Well, what else?
  4. A 4th grade female kid who's also a proud 'atlit bulutangkis usia dini' (who I forgot to ask the name for she was jaw-dropping me all the way home from the office). She was with her mom, took the angkot which I was in, and she was bringing her racket (later I knew she had to repair it for she did not just use it on training, she was abusing it). At the first glance I had noticed her difference among other kids I usually bumped into, she had this... glow... which I can't really describe. She always looked so friendly, so I smiled at her and her mom, spontaneously, and thus, began our conversation. She was so proud of her training, and her mom was telling me eagerly about all the tournaments she battled in, even how she inherited her athlete-ness from her father (who was a tennis athlete).

Life is incredible.

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